The lovely young woman in this mid 1860's CDV is standing with lovely posture behind a chair and I suspect she is quite tall. She is wearing a beautiful plaid taffeta dress with long sleeves, large dark buttons down the front of the bodice, white collar and dark, perhaps velvet trim at the wrists. Her hair is worn in typical 1860's fashion, parted in the middle and pulled back at the back of the neck. She has an unusual look on her face, perhaps a bit wistful.
The photographer was Theo. F. Chase located at No. 69 Westminister St., Providence, Rhode Island. I did not find much information on Mr. Chase but he was listed in the 1864 Providence City Directory under "Daguerreotypists and Photographists."

Your title made me think of Ted Baxter on The Mary Tyler Moore Show when he said plaid was his favorite color. I agree - she looks tall and the dress is lovely. Too bad we don't know more about her.