Sorry I haven't posted much lately, much going on personally, but wanted to share this photo of a young woman from late 1890's Nashville, TN. The quality of the photograph is not great, in fact it is a little blurry. I like it for a several reasons; some of my ancestors came from that area, she is sporting a great hat and if you look closely you can see she is wearing eyeglasses. I'm not sure what you call that thing around her neck, maybe a boa or just the collar of her coat, but it is wonderful as well. I tried really hard to make out the photographer's name which is embossed right above the location at the lower right hand corner with no luck.
A collection of vintage photography and "orphan" photographs showcasing the past.
Sunday, July 14, 2013
Friday, June 28, 2013
Fashionable Friday - Lovely Young 1880's (Victorian Era) Michigan Woman in White
This beautiful young woman posed for E. Gillis about 1888 - 1891 in Lawton, Mich. She is dressed in a white dress, most likely off-white or cream and I believe the dress may have a bustle so the 1880's date would work. Her dress is high necked with tight fitted bodice and has matching ribbons down the front of the skirt. The sleeves are of great interest to me as I don't believe I have ever seen anything quite like them - notice the odd loops near her wrist which appear to be holding flowers and then the sleeves extend down to the hands into mitts. She is holding what appears to be a white puffy fan or perhaps a purse?
This cabinet card has a thick gilt border with a beautiful scallop design on the edges. I was unable to find any information on the photographer, E. Gillis.
Saturday, June 8, 2013
Sepia Saturday # 180 - World War I Era Nurses
My posts have been rather sporadic lately mainly due to the health of my husband who has needed all my extra attention because of severe back pain. He has been unable to work for over six weeks and has been advised he needs back surgery. Unfortunately for him, nursing is not one of my better qualities, but I have tried to do my best to attend to him. To top it off this past week my company instituted corporate cuts and I find myself unemployed and could use a little TLC. When I saw the prompt for this week's Sepia Saturday the nurse in the photograph reminded me of a photograph that I have that fits the bill so I drug it out of my collection today for your review.
This photo shows what I believe to be six World War I era nurses. They are identified on the back as: (1) Mrs. Hugh Gilbert, (2) Mrs. I. Haines Dickinson, (3) Mrs. Geo. W. Heusel Jr. (4) unknown, (5) Miss Helen Heusel and (6) Mrs. A. S. Harkness. The last woman I believe is possibly related to a woman I mentioned in an earlier post, Mary Fairlamb Harkness of Pennsylvania. The location is unknown, but my guess that these nurses served stateside.
Click here to visit Sepia Saturday for more great photos!
Friday, May 24, 2013
Fashionable Friday - Early 1860' s (Victorian Era) New York City Woman (Pregnant?)
This lovely New York City woman was photographed by famed photographer Bogardus about 1863 - 64. She is wearing what appears to be a light, cotton print dress with short sleeves so my guess would be that this photograph (CDV) was most likely taken in warmer months. She is also wearing a dark colored, light and lacy shawl-type covering. Something about this photo strongly suggests to me that she is pregnant.
Bogardus was Abraham Bogardus (1822 - 1908) was an American Daguerreotypist and photographer who is reported to have made some 200,000 daguerreotypes during his career. He was born in Dutchess County, NY and went to New York City in 1837. In 1846 he learned the art of Daguerreotypy from G.W. Prosch and after only two weeks instruction opened his own studio at 363 Broadway becoming very successful at his craft. He was so successful he opened several locations. With the popularity of the Carte-de-Visite he was said to have produced up to 100 dozens of CDV's per day.
In 1869 Bogardus was elected the first president of the national Photographic Association, a postiion he held for seven years. His contemporaries were Jeremiah Gurney, Matthew Brady, Lawrence, Insley, Hass, Harrison and Hill, the brothers Meade, Lewis, and Bogert. After a long and successful career he retired in 1884.
I previously posted another of his photographs and you can see it here:
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Wedding Wednesday - Late 1880's (Victorian Era) Austin, Texas Newlyweds
This cabinet card, although a bit faded, is still a great photograph of a lovely bride and her groom from circa 1889 Austin, TX. The bride is wearing a lovely white gown with fitted bodice, high neck and the shoulders have the slight puff seen in the late 1880's. Her headdress is also quite lovely with the small white buds, I'm not sure what they are called, but I have seen them on other photographs in this time frame. They are also on the groom's matching boutonniere. He is seated with his hand in jacket - I have never understood the significance of this pose - and the bride has her hand resting on his shoulder.
The back of the photograph has a very interesting photographer's mark, note the dragon breathing fire in the upper left hand corner. The photographer was Harvey Roberts Marks (1821 - 1902) well-known Daguerrean and photographer, born in New York City and according to "Pioneer Photographers From The Mississippi To The Continental Divide" he had an illustrious career criss-crossing the country from San Francisco (1851) Baltimore, MD (1851 - 1853) to Mobile, AL (1855 - 1859) to Houston (1865-1867) to Austin(1870 - 1902).
In February 1851 in San Francisco he daguerreotyped the castaways of the Japanese ship Eriki-Maru while they were aboard the US revenue bark, Polk. This was substantiated two years later by the "Illustrated News" who published three wood engravings of these sailors with the comment that the illustrations were after daguerreotypes by H. R. Marks of Baltimore. See here for a photo of one of the castaways.
Marks won a number of awards during his career including January of 1853 from the Maryland Institute the "highest premium for the eminent superiority of his Pictures" and seventeen prizes at the 1880 Capitol State Fair in Austin. He also was the vice president of the national Photographic Association in 1874 and 1881 and was a life member. He also served as a captain in the Houston Battalion of militia infantry during the Civil War. There are cartes de visites still existing with his Houston imprint of uniformed Confederate officers.
He is said to have the longest career of any Austin photographer in the nineteenth century. He was pre-deceased by his wife Emily and three children and left his estate to his long time assistant George H. Berner.
Source: Pioneer Photographers From the Mississippi to the Continental Divide, 1839 - 1865 by Peter E. Palmquist, Thomas R. Kailbourn. Stanford University Press, Stanford California, 2005. Google eBooks.
Sunday, May 19, 2013
Sentimental Sunday - Women with Hats - 1860's (Victorian Era) Illinois "Scarlett O'Hara-like" Woman
There is something about this photograph that reminds me of "Scarlet O'Hara." I'm sure it must be the young woman's stylish hat, but it could just be her expression. While nowhere near as striking as Vivien Leigh, this young woman, identified only as "Lizzie" was still quite lovely. This CDV was probably taken between 1864 - 1869 so is indeed in the right time frame as Gone With the Wind.
The hat is a small boxy thing with a brim covered with what looks like little flowers and is secured under the chin with satiny ties. It covered with some type of lace and the right side appears to have something like a feather protruding up over the top. I tried to blow up the photo, but could not get a good view of these items. One other item to look at, she is wearing what appears to be a wedding ring and I have to wonder with the dark hat if she was not in the latter part of mourning.
The photographer was E. Cummings of Elgin, Illinois. I did not have much luck finding any information on Cummings although I did find an E. Cummings, photographers in the U.S. IRS Tax Assessment Lists on who listed his address as Elgin and occupation as photographer in 1865. I also found an Edward A. Cummings of Elgin who enlisted in Company I, Illinois 127th Infantry Regiment on 5 Sep 1862 and mustered out 20 Jun 1865. His death was listed as 23 Aug 1922, Illinois death rolls. I suspect this is the same person.
Saturday, May 18, 2013
Sepia Saturday #177 - Children on Fences, Columns, Rocks & Other Photographer's Props
I have a lot of wonderful old children's photographs and for some reason rarely post child photos so when I saw the theme prompt for this week's Sepia Saturday I decided to share some of my favorites. Here are just a few:
This first photo (CDV) is a very young, unidentified Trenton, NJ girl taken between 1864 and 1866 as evidenced by the revenue stamp on the back. Such a little sweetheart and look at her darling dress. The photographer was Aller & Brown of Trenton. This little miss is posing on the photographer's fake balustrade railing.
This next photo (cabinet card) features five young Michigan siblings and their dog posed next to a faux fence and pile of hay. The photographer was Dave Bradbeer of Charlevoix, Michigan. This photograph was most likely taken in the late 1880's.

Next up is a cabinet card featuring an 1890's boy wearing Little Lord Fauntleroy attire holding the obligatory whip. This was a very popular costume for boys to wear for their photographs in the 1890's. This particular young boy was posed by photographer Strunk of Reading, PA seated on a large "rock."

This young girl from Trenton, NJ is quite a picture in plaid posed next to a "stone column" and behind an "iron gate." I've posted this cabinet card before, but I think she deserves another mention - just love her entire outfit. The photographer was J. E. North of 31 Centre St. This photo is also from the 1880's.

This young lad leaning on the "stone column" is quite dapper in matching jacket and knickers with hat and cane and take a look at those plaid leggings! What a good looking young man. No photographer is listed, but the boy is identified on the back as Howard Prue Price, I believe. My guess is this cabinet card is from the late 1870's.
And finally we have this sweet young girl leaning on the photographer's "stone fence". Such a sweetie in her simple dress and lace collar and notice the necklace with long chain around her neck. The photographer was H. S. Stephens of Rushville, Indiana. This photo was probably taken in the late 1880's.
If you have enjoyed these photos I hope you will hop, skip or jump over to Sepia Saturday to see even more wonderful photos.
Friday, May 17, 2013
Fashionable Friday - A Civil War Era Boston Belle
This unsmiling Boston woman posed for this CDV next to a fake column wearing a beautiful hoop-skirted dress. The dress appears to be made perhaps of silk taffeta and the five rows of trim at the bottom of the skirt are absolutely striking. The belt at her waist also appears to be made of the same material as the trim on the skirt. The full sleeves are a work of art as well with the lovely detailing. Look at the under-sleeves which are very also unique The one on her left appears to have polka-dots; I'm not sure what exactly those are supposed to be. Also she is wearing a removable collar, possibly lace.
The unidentified woman was probably wearing her best dress when she posed for photographer "Tyler" of Boston. This CDV was most likely made between 1864 - 1869. I was not able to find any information about Tyler.
I could look at beautiful dresses like this from that era all day; I'm just glad I did not have to wear them!
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Wedding Wednesday - Unusual 1920's (Art Deco Era) Troy, New York Newlyweds
I don't even know where to start with this photograph of an 1920's newlywed couple posing with the maid-of-honor and best man. There is certainly a lot to look at in this wedding photo taken by The Lloyd Studio of Troy, NY. Both women are elaborately dressed, but obviously the woman on the left is the bride as she is wearing the most unusual headdress with a filmy train and lace arm mitts. The detail is so stunning on both women's dresses and shows up quite clearing in the photo. The bride is also wearing what appears to be her wedding rings on her right hand. The woman on the right is wearing a beautiful headpiece made out of what appears to be pearls with Art Nouveau tones. These were usually popular in the early to mid-1920's. Both women are wearing pearl necklaces, also popular in that time frame. I find it interesting that their bouquets appear to be almost equal in size, I would think the bride's would be larger.
The groom and best man are dressed nearly identically in dark suits in suits with small boutonnieres and holding white gloves. Notice that both have their hands on the shoulders of the woman in front of them. The man on the right has a most unusual hairstyle! I do believe the groom has a rather dour look on his face.
The photographer was Alexander Lloyd born September 1869 in New York to parents Alexander and Mary Lloyd.. In the 1920 Troy Ward 1, Rensselaer, New York census he is married to wife Mary with a son James B. I found this ad in the February 23, 1920 edition of The Troy Times listing his address at 44 Third Street:
The Troy Times, 23 Feb 1920 |
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Wedding Wednesday - 1920's (Art Deco Era) Bride from Pottstown, PA
Look at this lovely 1920's bride who was photographed on her wedding day by Santangelo of Pottstown, PA. I don't know anything about her, but she made a beautiful bride in her long white gown and beautiful headdress with with the long, lacy train. This photo is framed in an elegant 6 1/2 x 9' cardboard folder. I have cut it down to make it easier to see the lovely bride.
The photographer was Antone (Tony) Santangelo (1879 - ?) who lived and worked for many years in Pottstown. He married Edith Maud Ormee on 5 Jan 1909. He and his wife both worked as photographers in his photography studio according to the 1920 Pottstown Ward 3, Montgomery Co, PA census.
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Wedding Wednesday - 1920's (Art Deco Era) Iowa Matrimonial Couple, Bride in Satin, Lace & Pearls
This week's bride and groom are unidentified, but what a beautiful couple they are and the presentation is gorgeous. The photograph is housed in a 7" x 10" cardboard folder and the frame around it has a lovely Art Deco feel with the brownish-green marbling and gold inlay.
The groom is dressed simply and elegantly in his tuxedo; the bride is breathtaking in her satin dress with the most unusual headdress and veil with large rosettes. She is wearing a long strand of pearls and is holding what appears to be a white bible or prayer book.
Almost impossible to see, but just below the first gold inlay frame is the photographer's name, McIntire Studio, Ft. Madison, Ia.
Sunday, April 21, 2013
Sepia Saturday #173 - Odd Animal Photos - Fish & Fangs
The theme for this week's Sepia Saturday is based on a photograph of a boy holding two birds/ducks/geese, not sure what they are, but a quite odd photograph it is. I have a couple of photos in my collection I have been holding on to that I thought would fit this theme perfectly. Therefore I humbly submit to you my odd animal photos.
The first photograph is a small snapshot taken of a portly man holding a rather large fish. On the back he is identified as "Uncle Bert", 37 (1937) Ft Drum, at Corpus Christi.
This next photo is actually a real photo postcard and I have to be honest with you about this one. I bought this in an antique store and why I did, I do not know because I have a terrible phobia about snakes; I cannot look at them, cannot even bear to think about them, I will probably have a nightmare tonight from just posting this photo, but it is too perfect for this theme not to post. The man is identified on the back as D. J. Winters, but I have not been able to find out any information about a snake wranger with this name. I believe this was a rattle snake but, since I have no knowledge of snakes and want none, I am not sure. According to the AZO mark on the back it was produced between 1904 and 1918.
For more odds and ends, please visit Sepia Saturday.
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Another Photo Family Reunion - Yeah!!!!
On March 2nd I posted a photo (see below) showing a number of people posing in front of business called "The Markey Bronze Bushing Company." Markey Bronze was located in Delta, Ohio and I estimated the photo was taken in the 1930's. If you would like to read the entire post click here: Sepia Saturday #166 - The Markey Bronze Bushing Company, Delta Ohio.
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The Markey Bronze Bushing Co, Delta, OH - Eugene Markey, far left |
On March 29th a received an email from Joanne in Ohio who had this to say about the photo:
There are three buildings that comprised Markey bronze, and at one time the company employed 150 people. It is currently owned by Bunting Brass and as far as I know they do continuous casting of brass bars."
Joanne went on to ask if she could purchase the photo from me and I told her I would send it to her for the cost of postage (and that I always welcomed contributions to fund my hobby). I sent the photo off to Joanne and yesterday I received a very, very generous check from Joanne and a card thanking me for returning the photo to the family. Joanne hopes to meet with her brothers sometime soon to hopefully identify more of the people in this photograph. This was a very exciting and rewarding experience for me and I can't wait for my next reunion!
Friday, April 12, 2013
Fashionable Friday - 1860's (Victorian Era) Woman Wearing Hooded Cloak & Fur Muff
I suspect this lovely young woman was considered quite fashionable when she posed for this Carte de Visite (CDV) in the 1860's (most likely between 1864 - 69) for photographer A. W. Tice of Ellensville, NY. She is wearing a full-length hooded cloak over a hoop skirt which was perhaps made of silk taffeta. Covering her hands is a fur muff. There appears to be some sort of hair covering or adornment over her hair in the back.
The photographer's full name was Alfred Wurtz Tice who appears to have lived and worked in the Ellensville are for quite a number of years. He wasborn 19 Oct 1829 in New York to John & Huldah Tice. In 1854 he married Irene Miller. Several Ellensville City Directories between 1861 and 1871 report him as "A. Wurts Tice, photographer, Canal opp Liberty sq., h Canal." In 1900 Tice was still living in the area according to the Ulster County census at age 70 with his wife June (2nd wife?). He still listed his occupation as photographer. Tice died 5 Feb 1909 and is buried in the Fantinekill Cemetery in Ellensville, NY according to Find-A-Grave.
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Sepia Saturday #172 - Mystery Wedding March
When I saw the archive photo for this week's Sepia Saturday prompt titled, "Palmer's Mystery Hike No. 2," I knew immediately what I was going to use. I should probably save it for one of my "Wedding Wednesday" posts, but it just seems to fit this theme. My photo is actually a real photo postcard of a wedding party from probably the 1940's walking down a cobblestone street. I purchased this postcard from a gentleman in Germany and as it has a very European feel I suspect that may have also been the location. Unfortunately, it was pasted into an album and then torn out so there are no identifying marks left on the back.
What a happy day this must have been for the couple, I have to wonder where they were walking from (the church?), where they were walking to (a pub?), what was their story, who were they, were they happy the rest of their lives?
What a happy day this must have been for the couple, I have to wonder where they were walking from (the church?), where they were walking to (a pub?), what was their story, who were they, were they happy the rest of their lives?
Wedding Wednesday - Serene Bride - 1910's?
I know very little about this photograph; the bride is unidentified and there is no photographer's mark. It almost appears that there was a sticker of some sort at the bottom at some time, but hard to tell if that was original. The photograph is mounted on a 6" x 9" card with embossed edges. The woman and the pose are unusual and it almost reminds me of an actress posing for a theatrical photograph. It is purely a guess on my part, but the photo has a 1910's feel to it. I welcome any input or suggestions to the contrary.
Sunday, April 7, 2013
Sepia Saturday # 171 - Castles of Scotland, Let Me Bore You With My Vacation Photos
In September of 2009 my husband and I took a two week vacation spending three days in London and eleven in Scotland. It was only our second trip out of the United States and the first to Europe. Everyone told us we had to take a guided tour while in Scotland, that there was no way we could do it on our own. I, however, had my heart set on us just being alone, exploring the sights together, and this is exactly what we did. After London, we rented a car in Edinburgh and set off for the Highlands. We had some fun, crazy adventures, getting lost a number of times. Learning to navigate the single track roads in particular caused quite a few moments of skipped heart beats.
While there I took over 3,000 photographs, I mean I just couldn't help myself because around every turn was something so breathtaking I would scream at my husband to pull over. These photographs included a number of castles, there were just so many castles! This week's Sepia Saturday theme centers around castles so, yeah, I finally get to share some of my amateurish photographs.
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Castle Stalker, Loch Laich, mid-way between Oban & Glen Coe |
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Castle Dunvegan, Isle of Skye |
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Castle Dunvegan, rear view, Isle of Skye |
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The Famous Castle Eilean Donan. Loch Duich, Western Highlands of Scotland |
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Edinburgh Castle, back/side view |
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Edinburgh Castle, view from cemetery in back |
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Cannon overlooking Edinburgh from Castle |
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