It has often been said the the "eyes are the window to the soul." There is some confusion as to the original speaker of this quote, Shakespeare being in the running to be the author. Something broght this quote to my mind and I decided to share a few of my favorite "soulful eyed" ladies of the past.
This first young woman is unidentified and she sat for photographer T. M. Sausman of Norristown, Pa in the late 1870's. She has such a wistful look on her face, I wonder what she was thinking about.

Subject number two, another lovely young woman, also probably dated late 1870's was from Iowa City, Iowa. She too is unidentified and the photographer was James of that city.

The third photograph is of a woman a little older, possibly fortyish? This is one of my favorites, she appears to have such character to her face, not to mention good bones. Also unidentified, she sat for photographers Brown & Gillis of Galesburg, Mich. most likely late 1870's.

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