Saturday, July 14, 2012

Sepia Saturday #134 - Then Comes the Baby Carriage

This week's Sepia Saturday centers around baby carriages/prams.  I thought I would have some good examples in my stash, but for some reason I couldn't find any!  Here are three that I did find:

First is an early 1900's photograph (cabinet card) of a young toddler identified in a unusual carriage.  This photo, which I belive is of a young toddler girl, was taken by Geo. A. Joyce of 1073 Hunter Street, Columbus, O.  She is wearing as a sweet little print dress, black tights and black shoes.  She must have moved as her face is blurred.  I have had no luck finding the photographer in the usual ways.  

This next photograph is identified as Frank Owen Wilson, 1924. The young subject is sitting in a wagon and is smiling quite sweetly for the camera. I believe this photograph came from the same lot I purchased the family group photo I previously posted on May 19, 2012, Family Group Shot in The Front Yard. How this young boy might be related I have no idea. There is no photographer on any of these photos and when I did a search on Frank Wilson Owen there were too many options to do a good search. Maybe someday someone will be looking for him.

Finally, this last photo is a tin type of a baby approximately one year old in a old-fashioned baby pram. Too bad the tin type has been poorly handled over the years, it is scratched and faded and of course, the subject is unidentified. I'm not entirely sure how to date this photo, I'm leaning towards the late 1890's. Note the fake mountain range in the background painting.

Push your carriage on over to Sepia Saturday for more rolling stories!


  1. What a great set of photos! The little boy in the second picture is darling and has a beautiful smile. If that is a stroller of sorts in the first photo, I wonder if it has a strap to secure the baby? Maybe this was used as a prop at a photo studio.

  2. Interesting stroller in the first shot -- but no restraint?? And how about those BIG wheels on the pram! It's always interesting to see what great photos you have. (By the way, your link on SS goes to an old SS.)

  3. It is beautiful to see these old photographs. children in their buggies or strollers who were loved enough to have them photographed for posterity. Then they might have been lost, what ever the cause may be. then comes along Theresa sees them and loves and enjoys them enough to take the pictures home. Here they are on the internet, and we wonder who is this little girl or this cheeky little fellow, still enjoyed and looked at and that is the main thing.

  4. That first picture is certainly unusual, and the second one of young Frank with his cheeky smile is very attractive. BTW Barbara, you’ve put the wrong link in Mr Linky again, I had to google search 134. If you put the correct link in I’ll remove the first one for you.

  5. This must be the most unusual pram of the week.

    [Teresa - you have put up a link to your previous Sepia Saturday post, not this one.}

  6. A terrific set, the last one might be the oldest pram photo submitted for this weekend's theme. But something about the isometric perspective makes it seem like a painted pram with a concealed shelf for the child.

  7. Look at the huge wheels on that last one! Great pictures, thanks for sharing them with us.

    Kathy M.

  8. I have a tintype like your last one, with a similar pram, showing my grandfather as a baby, almost certainly taken in Chicago in late 1892.
