Friday, July 13, 2012

Fashionable Friday - Milwaukee, WI Fashion Mavens

These two beautiful young women posed for the Grand Central Studio in Milwaukee, WI in the 1880's.  I could find no information on the studio or the proprietor.  The women, who I believe to be sisters as their lovely features are quite similar, are dressed in almost identical fashion; both are wearing typical 1880's bustled style dresses with the form fitting bodice.  Each dress has double rows of small buttons running down the center of the bodice.  The seated woman  is wearing the standard pin/brooch at the neck and holding what appears to be a sprig of daisies, the other has a frilly ascot-type adornment at her neck and is holding a feathery fan.  I am not sure what they are called, but if you look closely you can see that they both have long ties/pulls down the front of their skirts with tassels at the bottom.  Both women are also wearing typical late 1880's hairstyles. I believe this cabinet card was taken between 1886 - 1889.


  1. What a great photo, Teresa. I love the little covered buttons on their dresses. Clothes must have taken a long time to make back then!

  2. I love the rows of little buttons and wondered what the tassels were for. Clothes must have been very time-consuming to make back then!
