Monday, December 26, 2011

Mystery Monday - Marshalltown, Iowa Mystery Girl


This beautiful little girl, name unknown, had her picture taken by M. C. Beverage of Marshalltown, Iowa sometime between 1876 and 1912.  She has beautiful curls and and a bow around her neck.

I found this information about M. C. Beverage in an article written by Mark Dionne which helped to date the picture:

"From his obituary in the Times Republican, Marshalltown, Iowa, Jan 6, 1931 and, Marshall County Iowa History, 1878, p. 548: Maurice C. Beveridge (or Beverage) was born at Trading Post, Maine, June 8, 1841. He went to Canada in infancy and stayed till age 15 when he went to Michigan and Oconto, Wisconsin, where he learned his business. He married Hattie Crumb from Oconto, Wisconsin, 1871. He came to Marshalltown in Jan, 1876, when he engaged in the photography business. [This is useful information for those who are trying to date his photographs.] He had 4 children and died Jan 6, 1931. He left a brother Fred Beveridge of California and three grandchildren.  He ran the Beverage Cottage Gallery, a photography studio, from about 1876 to 1912."

For more information, see Mark Dionne's website at: or email him at  Copyright © 2006 Mark Dionne. All Rights Reserved. This work is based on original research by Mark Dionne. Permission to copy or reprint this work is granted, provided: (1) the copy or reprint is used for non-commercial, educational purposes; (2) the work is copied in its entirety or a single paragraph is used as a quotation, and; (3) the author's name (Mark Dionne), email address, the URL mentioned in the following paragraph, and this notice are all included.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Mystery Monday - Who am I? Little Girl and Her Doll

Another orphan photograph of an adorable little girl holding her doll.  Look at her wonderful bonnet and sweet pigtails. She is also wearing mitts (fingerless gloves).  The photographer is Dresser of Winfield, Kansas. I found this information regarding the photographer - George H. Dresser is listed in the 1880 Independence, Kansas census. Sometime before 1890 he moved to Winfield, Kansas and continued his photographic career there, where he is listed  in the 1910 census.  He was born in October, 1854, of German parentage.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Sentimental Sunday - Women with Hats!

Here is a turn of the century woman with what I think is a Gibson Girl look, but boy what a hat!  The hat appears to be made of feathers and velvet and she is wearing some time of jewelry or brooch at her throat.  There is no identification on this photo, but she is quite a lovely woman.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Sentimental Sunday - Women with Hats!

I have been shamefully absent from this blog for over a month - sadly once I returned from vacation a death occurred in the family and with work responsibilities it has taken some time to get back to normal.  I came across these two pictures in a box of photos I bought of what I believe are the same young woman.  They are taken by Purdy, Successor to Hastings in Boston and look to be taken in the early 1890's.  In the first picture the young girl is hatless and in a lovely high-necked dress.  The second picture appears to be taken a couple of years later; she looks more mature and is wearing a suit and a lovely hat with feathers.  I am convinced this is the same girl; I studied these pictures side by side for some time comparing her features.  Unfortunately, as so often is the case, there is no identification on the back of the pictures.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Sentimental Sunday - Women with Hats!

Hi, all!  I have been on vacation for the past week and unable to post - I know, I know, I should have set up my posts ahead of time to automatically post while I was away, but I am not that organized!  I love looking at the hats women used to wear so I am starting a new tag, "Women with Hats."  This is a cabinet photo I was thrilled to snag of a beautiful young woman.  It was taken by Ely of Oshkosh, Wisconsin and there is nothing to identify the subject.  Look at her stylish outfit, with the bustle, the leather gloves and the feather in her hat.  Isn't she lovely?  I am still learning to date photos and my gut tells me this one is from the 1880's.

**Update:  Photographer Information - Cook, Ely, photographer, No. 2 Elm street. His business amounts to $5,000 per annum, established in 1876. He was born in England, near Boston, June 21, 1847. His parents emigrated to America in 1852 and located at Ripon, Wis. Mr. Ely was about fifteen years of age when he began learning his trade in Ripon, with a Mr. William Lockwood, where he remained about four years; then went to Peru, Ill., and worked for W. E. Bowman in the photographic business about two years. Then he went to Racine, Wis., and began business in company with Mr. William Lockwood, his former instructor, where he continued until 1876 at which time he sold his interests and moved to Oshkosh, Wis., where he has since remained, and has built up a splendid business and secured a good reputation as an artist of the first water. He enlisted in Co. B, 41st W. V. I. He was married in Ripon, Wis., in 1870, to Miss Lucy J. Snyder, of the latter place. They have four daughters- Mary L., Dora, Grace and Florence.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Sentimental Sunday - A Trip to the Library?

One of the most exciting things that happened to me as a young girl was when I got my first library card.  I have loved to read books since about the first grade and have been a voracious reader ever since.  Going to the library in my home town of Mt. Vernon, IL was always such an exciting, awe-inspiring, experience.  There was something about exploring all the rows and rows of books and finding exciting new stories about people and places.  I could hardly wait to rush home and curl up in my favorite place and start reading.  Nowadays, I just go online, pick out new books and download them to my eReader - takes some of the excitement out of it .

This picture I purchased of a beautiful young woman holding several books brought back memories of weekend trips to the library.  Her beautiful dress, or outercoat is something I have not seen in any of the hundreds of pictures I have perused to try and date this picture.   I tried to find an era where hats like this were worn without success, although I intend to keep trying.  The photographer was Copelin of Chicago, N.W. Corner of Madson and State Streets and there are no identifying names for her anywhere on the picture.  However, I have decided this Cabinet photo was most likely taken between 1882 - 1888 by using this Cabinet Card dating timetable.  The front of this is a matte finish and the back a glossy yellow finish.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Those Places Thursday - Hamilton Beach 1899

Here is a photo with a woman reading a magazine or newspaper, note the straw boater hat on the ground to her right.  On the back it says, " Hamilton Beach, Sunday, June 1899."  The woman is not identified, the picture is somewhat blurred, and I have no idea where Hamilton Beach is.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Wedding Wednesday - Wedded Bliss or Maybe Not?

Here's a happy couple from Three Rivers, Massachusetts from probably the early 1900's.  Well, he looks like he's maybe okay with the marriage, she just looks kind of stunned or bored or mad.  I just love the faces in these old photos.  This cabinet card photo was taken by P. J. Petryka, Four Corners.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Military Monday - Mystery Man from Iowa

Here is a photograph of an unknown subject taken by Brown, in Marshalltown, Iowa.  He appears to be wearing a uniform of some sort - note the medal on his chest, the ornate belt and shoulder decorations as well as the sword.  Also, on the far left side is some type of helmet.  I have no experience with military insignia; if anyone can shed any light on this man's uniform or the other items I would appreciate comments as it could help date the photograph.  This cabinet card is in excellent condition.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Sentimental Sunday - Little Women

This CDV photograph of a mother and her four daughters from the Civil War era, reminds me of one of my favorite books, Little Women by Louisa May Alcott.  The mother and three of the girls have unusual hair decorations.  This photograph, although it is a little scratched up, is a   real treasure and sadly has no identifying marks such as names or location.  

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Sweet Boston Miss - Marian A. Tyler (Taylor)

Marian A. Tyler (Taylor) Aged 8

This beautiful little girl, Marian A. Tyler (or Taylor), aged 8 is so sweet - she has such lovely eyes. Note the gorgeous lace collar on her dress and the intricate locket around her neck. I believe this picture to be from the late 1800's. The photographer was A. F. Pepper, 1051 Tremont Street, Boston, Mass.  

I looked at and there is a Marian A. Taylor born in April 1892 in Massachusetts to Elias and Addie Taylor.  She married William Lewis about 1907.  There was also an Marion A. Tyler (Taylor) born Dec 1895 in Massachusetts to Henry and Adra Taylor.  I suspect the first Marian to be a better bet.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Almost Wordless Wednesday - New York City Immigrant Family

I like this cabinet photo of a family in New York City, I'm guessing early 1900's.  The mother looks quite proud of her brood and the little girls look so cute in their matching, and I'm sure, homemade dresses.  Written on the back it says, Giovanni, Meg I think, Annetta, Leone and possibly Anissa.    Photograph is by The 14th St. Studio, 212 E. 14th St. N.Y.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Sentimental Sunday - Did Great-Great-Grandma Dress Like This?

I guess it's just an offshoot of my years of genealogical research, but suddenly I find I'm obsessed with the fashions my ancestors wore.  Look at this sassy turn-of-the-century miss.  I believe this picture to be about 1900 give or take a couple of years either way.  I'm currently trying to educate myself on how to date old photographs and what an interesting subject that is!!  I look at this picture and have to wonder if any of my great-grandmothers dressed like this.  This S-bend silhouette came into fashion about 1900 and the look was created by wearing an S-curve corset that contracted the waist and tilted the bosom forward.  This photograph was taken by Estranders, Schenectady, New York and on the back it says "A Merry Christmas to Bertha from Minnie."  Well, you are looking very smart there Miss Minnie!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Somewhere in Time?

This picture of a beautiful and serene woman reminds me of one of my favorite movies, Somewhere in Time, with Jane Seymour and Christopher Reeve.  The movie was based in 1912,  but I believe this picture to be dated about five to ten years earlier than that.   The picture was taken in Lock Haven, Pennsylvania by S. B. Rifer and there is nothing to identify this beautiful and ethereal mystery woman. 

Civil War Era Couple CDV

Here's a young Civil War era couple - don't they look very formal.  This is a CDV (Cartes de Visit) photograph.  They were photographed by Nick & Knecht, Excelsior Traveling Artists.  Note the Civil War revenue stamp on the back - this photo was taken between 1864 and 1866.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Wordless Wednesday - Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow

What more is there to say?  This picture taken of three young ladies in Butler, PA by photographer Criley & Aland leaves me speechless.  Photograph was taken sometime in the 1890's.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Woman with Hat 1903

Here's a great picture of a woman in a hat - I love hats!  There is no photographer marking, but on the back it says "Elsie to Gramma, 1903."  This is such a great picture and it is in wonderful condition.  
I also love her eyeglasses.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Sweet Sailor Boys

Look at these two sweet boys - not sure of the time frame, but the photographer was Sol Young of New York.  these faces are absolutely precious and there are no identifying names anywhere on this photograph.  How sad.

Chicago Women - Mid 1890's with Great Hats!

What a great photo this is - I would love to know the story behind this picture!  Are they sisters, friends?  This is a group of four women taken in Chicago around the turn of the century.  The photographer is Spencer, 1520 Ellis Avenue, Chicago, Il.  I absolutely love this picture.

Update:  Now that I have a little more knowledge of Victorian fashion I know that these women posed for this picture sometime in the 1890's, probably mid-90's.

Vintage Photographs - My New Blog

As an offshoot of my two blogs Rogers Family History and Teresa's Tangled Roots I have stumbled into a collection of vintage photographs, mostly through my eBay addiction.  It has always disturbed me how many thousands and thousands of "ancestor" photos are out there in antique stores and on eBay that no one knows who they belong to.  As a genealogist who would give anything to have pictures of her ancestors, it just kills me to see these orphan pictures unclaimed my anyone. These are someone's family, their ancestors and I wonder sometimes as I look at them if one of them could possible be one of my ancestors.  As a collector of anything and everything, I have started buying up some of these photos and felt I needed to start sharing these somehow.  Most have no names - why didn't people put names on the back of these pictures?!?  I will try to post many of the many photos I have, perhaps someone will recognize one or two.  If you do, please let me know, I would be happy to reunite these photographs (people) with their descendants if contacted.