Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Almost Wordless Wednesday - New York City Immigrant Family

I like this cabinet photo of a family in New York City, I'm guessing early 1900's.  The mother looks quite proud of her brood and the little girls look so cute in their matching, and I'm sure, homemade dresses.  Written on the back it says, Giovanni, Meg I think, Annetta, Leone and possibly Anissa.    Photograph is by The 14th St. Studio, 212 E. 14th St. N.Y.


  1. I believe this is my grandfather and his parents. My grandfather came here as Giovanni Castantino Leone. My dad looks just like the man in this photo.

  2. I believe this is my grandfather and family. He came to the US as Giovanni Castantino Leone. My dad looks just like the man in the photo.

    1. Hi, Mike, If you truly believe this is your grandfather and family I would be willing to return this photo to you. Please contact me at Regards,
