Sunday, July 10, 2011

Vintage Photographs - My New Blog

As an offshoot of my two blogs Rogers Family History and Teresa's Tangled Roots I have stumbled into a collection of vintage photographs, mostly through my eBay addiction.  It has always disturbed me how many thousands and thousands of "ancestor" photos are out there in antique stores and on eBay that no one knows who they belong to.  As a genealogist who would give anything to have pictures of her ancestors, it just kills me to see these orphan pictures unclaimed my anyone. These are someone's family, their ancestors and I wonder sometimes as I look at them if one of them could possible be one of my ancestors.  As a collector of anything and everything, I have started buying up some of these photos and felt I needed to start sharing these somehow.  Most have no names - why didn't people put names on the back of these pictures?!?  I will try to post many of the many photos I have, perhaps someone will recognize one or two.  If you do, please let me know, I would be happy to reunite these photographs (people) with their descendants if contacted.


  1. I love old photos, but have not gotten to the point where I purchase them from eBay, though I can see the lure. I'm not particularly interested in antiques, but when I have the chance, I always browse any old photos available.

  2. Teresa, This is a wonderful hobby, but it does get expensive ~laughs~ I have bought from ebay, garage sales, anyplace I have found orphan pictures, or scrapbooks, or postcards, etc. ~laughs~ I have so many that I had to stop, I was not finding homes for them and I kept thinking that maybe if I hadn't bought them someone who could find a home for them would. I like that you have set up a blog for these treasures, maybe that is the answer for me too?

  3. Dear Teresa
    I hope someone recognizes the faces of the wonderful photos you are posting. I am in the process of labeling and dating every photo I have (scores--dating back to the 1890s) to be sure they aren't lost to time. Welcome to your new blog. Drop by sometime.

  4. I love the old photos too. I found one of my mother's cousin's on there. I already had a copy of the same photo, but I saved her from an ebay stranger. Yes, ebay is addicting.
