Sunday, August 21, 2011

Sentimental Sunday - Women with Hats!

Hi, all!  I have been on vacation for the past week and unable to post - I know, I know, I should have set up my posts ahead of time to automatically post while I was away, but I am not that organized!  I love looking at the hats women used to wear so I am starting a new tag, "Women with Hats."  This is a cabinet photo I was thrilled to snag of a beautiful young woman.  It was taken by Ely of Oshkosh, Wisconsin and there is nothing to identify the subject.  Look at her stylish outfit, with the bustle, the leather gloves and the feather in her hat.  Isn't she lovely?  I am still learning to date photos and my gut tells me this one is from the 1880's.

**Update:  Photographer Information - Cook, Ely, photographer, No. 2 Elm street. His business amounts to $5,000 per annum, established in 1876. He was born in England, near Boston, June 21, 1847. His parents emigrated to America in 1852 and located at Ripon, Wis. Mr. Ely was about fifteen years of age when he began learning his trade in Ripon, with a Mr. William Lockwood, where he remained about four years; then went to Peru, Ill., and worked for W. E. Bowman in the photographic business about two years. Then he went to Racine, Wis., and began business in company with Mr. William Lockwood, his former instructor, where he continued until 1876 at which time he sold his interests and moved to Oshkosh, Wis., where he has since remained, and has built up a splendid business and secured a good reputation as an artist of the first water. He enlisted in Co. B, 41st W. V. I. He was married in Ripon, Wis., in 1870, to Miss Lucy J. Snyder, of the latter place. They have four daughters- Mary L., Dora, Grace and Florence.


  1. Love her! Thanks so much for "women with hats"! Great post.

  2. Thanks, Deb, I hope you will stop back often!

  3. I love it! The hat is so stylish and makes the whole outfit.

  4. I love this photo. Makes me wish we still wore hats! I have ancestors on both sides of my family that were miliners, so these pictures really interest me. Thanks!

    1. Thanks for stopping by Lori, I love the old hats so much, glad to see someone else does to. Please come back and look around again!
