Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Wedding Wednesday - Another Young Ossian, IA Newlywed Couple Late 1880's

There is much going on in my life these days and I have not been posting much lately, but I did want to share another cabinet card photograph taken by the same photographer as last week's Wedding Wednesday photo, G. G. Oyloe.  This young couple are not smiling either, but somehow they do not look unhappy to me just intently posing for their wedding photo.  The brides's dark colored dress has a lovely bodice, but still manages to be quite serviceable for later use.    The long white headdress ensures that we know this is indeed a wedding photo.  Also, notice how she is firmly holding her new husband's arm.  I'm dating this photograph around 1888 -1889.


  1. This is such an interesting series, Teresa, almost like a forgotten style book of costume and wedding traditions. This was a handsome couple too.

  2. I would guess 1885 because of the top button on his jacket..that was a style that shows up in 1885:)
