Saturday, December 22, 2012

Sepia Saturday #157 - Christmases Past (My First)

There is nothing forgotten about the faces or place in this photograph, but  I felt it was a good picture to share for this week's Sepia Saturday.  It is a picture taken of me and my grandfather Diamond Milton Smith on Christmas 1955 in Mt. Vernon, IL when I was two months old.  I have always loved and cherished this photo as I  have always been told  how proud and excited he was of his first grandchild.   

Grandpa would have been in his 40's in this photo and it's hard to believe that he was younger than I am today.  I was fortunate to have him for so many years and he died in August of 1997.  He was not a man to share his feelings, but I always knew he loved me.  (And yes, now you can figure out exactly how old I am!)  Happy Holidays!  

For more wonderful Christmas tales please join us over at Sepia Saturday!


  1. You were definitely captivated by that tree, probably as much as your grandfather was captivated by you. (A belated Happy Birthday!) Merry Christmas, Teresa!

  2. You seem to be fascinated by the Christmas tree. It is so pretty. Along with the tinsel and balls, there appears to be some of the rope-like, aluminun-foil garland. My folks had a lot of that aluminum garland from the 1920s and '30s. I still use it on my Christmas tree every year, as well as plenty of tinsel and everything else I can find in the old Christmas boxes. Happy Yuletide tidings!

  3. Great shot, Teresa! No wonder you cherish this photo; your grandfather does, indeed, look very happy and proud of his first grandchild! Merry Christmas to you!!!!!

  4. A very lovely tree, for a lovely little girl. I wonder if I'm related to your Rogers tree.

  5. A delightful treasure. The bright sparkles of Christmas may fascinate children, but snapshots of children at Christmas always enchant adults. Best wishes for a happy holiday.

  6. How much simpler was decorating the tree back in the 1950s. Our tree looks so different today. I never knew my grandparents. Fortunately my children can remember some of theirs.
    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

  7. You write so well for a 47-year old girl :)
    Merry Christmas, Teresa!

  8. That makes you, what, 27?!?...
    Most adorable picture.
    No wonder you cherish it,
    as you should.
    You seemed so in awe by that Xmas tree!!
    Holiday Greetings to you and your loved ones.

  9. Don't worry. I
    m older than you :)
    Happy Christmas

  10. Priceless! You look so amazed at the tree.

    Kathy M.

  11. Wonderful photo! You looked so amazed over your Christmas tree! Great pick for Sepia Saturday. Enjoy the holidays!

  12. I am older too. I never knew my grandfathers because one died before I was born and the other when I was a few months old.

  13. What an awesome photo, and the memory of it, not just for you, but it sure reminds me of our own tree! I still use tinsel somewhat too, can't break that look it's something I do much of this time of year. All those past lovely memories just fill my heart. A happy new year to you as well!

  14. What a sweet photograph, Teresa, and even more because of the knowledge of your grandfather's love. Happy New Year to you.
