Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Wedding Wednesday - Early 1900's Fairmont, Minnesota Couple

I am quite drawn to this week's Wedding Wednesday photograph for a number of reasons. It features a very newly married young Minnesota couple and what appears to be their maid of honor and best man.  This photograph measures 8" x 10" and was taken by Peterson Studio in Fairmont, Minn.  The photographer was most likely Paul Peterson who I found in the 1900 Fairmont, Martin County, MN census.  Paul aged 34, birthplace Germany, immigrated to the US in 1881, parents birthplace Denmark.  In 1900 he was single, living in a boarding house and listed his occupation as photographer.

The couple is not smiling in this photo yet I don't think they look unhappy.  The bride's white dress is beautiful and typical for the early 1900's with its high neck.  I especially like the small rows of pleats from the hem all the way up to almost the neckline and the unusual ruffles at the elbows on the sleeves.  All in all the dress, while intricate, displays a simplicity that is lovely.  The bride has an unusual look about the eyes and I suspect that she normally wore glasses and left them off for the photo.  The bridesmaid looks like she could very well be the sister of the bride and you will note she is wearing her glasses.  The bridesmaid's dress is simpler and a little shorter, but what  makes me smile is that her shoes are black with a big bow.  The men are both wearing dark suits but the groom sports a white boutonniere to match his bride's headdress and large bouquet of flowers. 

It's such an interesting picture, I really wish I knew what they were thinking as they stare off in the distance.


  1. Great collections of wedding photo. Thanks for the share.

  2. It's good to see some white dresses. The couples look like they're lined up to march - literally MARCH - down the aisle.

    1. You are absolutely right, they do look like they are getting ready to march down the aisle!

  3. I think they are twin sisters, and I agree that the bride looks like she has taken off her spectacles. A beautiful dress and a challenge for the photographer to get the details without over exposure.

  4. I know it's just me, but I feel like any minute now the bride is going to whack someone with that bouquet.
