Saturday, September 29, 2012

Sepia Saturday #145 - Boys (and Ladies, too) with Boxing Gloves

This week's Sepia Saturday theme is supposed to center around feet, shoes, football boots, cows, etc. I couldn't find anything that fit that theme just right and I just kept coming back to this one particular photograph and then I realized why. The theme was saying to me "pairs," pairs of things, leather things and since I really like this photo I just decided to go with it.

I don't have any information about the people or location of this picture, it's just one I picked up somewhere, but my guess is that it is probably from the 1940's.  It looks like it is autumn from the lack of leaves on the trees or perhaps even Christmas and the young man has received these boxing gloves as a Christmas present.  It's such a fun photo and if you click on it to enlarge you will see that he has the most devilish little grin.  All I know is he looks like he is immensely enjoying himself and hopefully found a worthy sparring partner!

For more fun and games head over to Sepia Saturday!


  1. He may have a devilish grin, her reach stretches far beyond his'. So I am afraid his grin will soon disappear. :) Unless of course she trips over her high heels...
    This is a priceless picture!

  2. If that lady was the young man's mother it wouldn't be the first time a son has sparred with his parent! I know I sometimes felt as though I had gone several rounds when my offspring were having 'one of those days'. This is a delightful photo and they both seem to be having a lot of fun.

  3. I agree -- I think this is mother and son. Can you imagine boxing in heels (what was that saying about Ginger Rogers doing everything Fred Astaire did...only backwards AND in high heels!). I love how you can look behind them and see how backyards "backed" up to each other all down the block! Wonderful shot...

  4. I don't know how old the boy is, but he makes the woman look like an Amazon. This is a fabulous photo. Shame on whatever family discarded it, and hurrah for you finding and preserving it. Both of their expressions are just perfect!

  5. It could be mother and son or maybe his most favorite aunt of all time who just brought these lovely cow-hide gloves for his birthday! His mother is taking the picture! Before blowing out his candles on a delicious birthday cake! Just saying....maybe so!

  6. Hi Teresa, what a darling picture! No wonder you couldn't resist. I really like your take on the theme too, it is very original. I also like how you resisted straightening it out and we get to see her fancy shoes.

    Kathy M.

  7. Cute picture! I like the expressions on their faces. The neighborhood in the background makes it even more interesting. I wonder if that's a small boat behind them several yards over.

  8. I hope he realised that she was a south paw because with her reach her left hook could be viscous. I was captain of boxing at my school in the 1950s.

  9. I love the expressions on both their faces!

  10. They look like they're having fun posing, but he has a glint in his eye :-) Jo

  11. Yep, I'd guess it's from the 1940's too. They both look like they are having a lot of fun. There must be an interesting story connected with this photo. Too bad we don't know what it is.

  12. I vote brother and sister. A really neat photo, and a reminder that boxing was once a very popular sport. I doubt you could find a similar contemporary photo.

  13. Such a fun image. I love the expression on the boys face.

  14. Yeah, Xmas or Thanksgiving...
    It's all fun and game 'till someone ends up with a black eye.

  15. It is certainly an intriguing photo, but it doesn't look quite real.
