Saturday, July 21, 2012

Sepia Saturday - Two Fairy Sprites from Columbus, O.


When I saw this week's Sepia Saturday theme which centers around the 1920 image, the "Health Fairy" the first thing I thought of was two photos I have had in my collection for some time of two little girls from Ohio. I have always labeled them my little fairy sprites, why I don't know, but they seem so ethereal and delicate, yet spirited.

These cabinet cards are so unusual because they are not the formal poses we usually see, but the photographer allowed the girls, who I believe are twins, to just flit around and be themselves.  These girls were obviously well loved by someone.  There are no names on the photographs, but they came from the same lot of photos of which I previously posted about Muriel Blair and since it is the same photographer, Wells, I have to wonder if they aren't from the same family.  Wells was W. H. Wells, a successful African American photographer who had a studio in Columbus from at least 1895 and possibly earlier to around 1930.  I suspect these photos to have been taken at different times although not too far apart in time.  They were most likely taken around the late 1890's to 1900.

Please visit Sepia Saturday to see more wonderful old images and fascinating stories:


  1. Lovely photos.. the little girls are precious in their little playsuits and bare feet. I like the way the images aren't centered which increases their interest. One can only imagine the challenges that would face an African American photographer in that era.

  2. Your description of these two lovely little girls is is so apt. I think the informality of the shot adds to its appeal. The fact that they are barefoot and wearing very few garments is so unusual.It reminds me of that picture of Alice Lidell. In the first picture they appear to be making soap bubbles.

  3. Two excellent little photographs and, as you say, somewhat unusual in the informality of the poses. And some great research into the background of them as well.

  4. What a wonderful pair of photos to have in one's collection. Thanks for sharing them on this Sepia Saturday theme - most appropriate.

  5. I'm so glad you showed us these photos. They are precious. I love the first one with the right girl's toes spread. I wonder if such action shots were considered shocking or undesirable back then, or cutting-edge.

  6. The looks on their faces in the second photo is just so adorable and loving.

  7. In the second one the seated girl even looks like she has little wings.

  8. These photos are enchanting. The photographer had quite a contemporary approach; Let them be natural, not a stiff pose like it was usual at that time. I like these two photo very much.

  9. Teresa, these are very special pictures, and I love them. I am your newest follower (I thought that I already was!).

    Kathy M.

  10. Loving the casualness in these.

  11. Beautiful and artistic. The photographer either had a way to charm children, or this pair were naturally unaware of the camera. Today they might be selling us soap or breakfast cereal.
