Friday, July 20, 2012

Fashionable Friday - Stylin' Saratoga Springs, NY 1880's Guy

For this week's Fashionable Friday I thought I would mix things up a bit  and throw in a guy for a change.  This stylin' young man from Saratoga Springs, NY looks quite pleased with himself in his dapper suit and adornments. What I am assuming is the chain for his watch fob looks like paper clips!

I came by this cabinet card in an album I purchased on eBay.  This young man was identified on the page as Irving Firich or Finch. I hope to share more of this album at a later date.  I had little luck finding my Irving on  I belive this photo to have been taken late 1870's or early 1880s.    

From the 1876 Vistor's Guide to Saratoga Springs:  

W. H. Baker, Photographer, Has opened one of the finest photograph galleries, at 448 Broad- way, that can be found in the State of New York. It is a Ground Floor Gallery, and is fitted up with handsome carpets, easy chairs, and piano, and its walls are adorned with beautiful pictures of various styles of art. He is one of the most extensive photographers in Northern New York, and makes photographs from miniature to life-size, and finishes them in Crayon, Oil, Water Colors or India Ink. The "quick as a wink" process of photographing has been ndopted. Try him for a picture while at your leisure in Saratoga. He keeps a very large assortment of stereoscopic views, albums, frames and mats, which he sells at very reasonable prices. He is always pleased to have visitors call at his gallery, and is very polite in exhibiting a full assortment of beautiful pictures.

Here is the back of the card:

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