Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Tintype Tuesday - Debonair 1880's Man in Top Hat Part Two

A couple of weeks ago I posted two tintypes of a very good-looking and well-dressed man from the 1880's in top hat posing with a boy and by himself.  I bought these two photographs in a lot of about twenty tintypes.  In looking at them more closely I realized that most of these may be from the same family, in fact at least six or seven of them, and possibly more, are of the same man I previously posted and at different ages. Oh, how I wish I had names!

I wanted to share more of these tintype photos of Mr. Debonair so you can judge for yourself whether it is the same man.  The first image is a one-fourth plate tintype which is larger than the usual one-sixth plate tintypes.  In these first two photos he is on the left  and wearing his top hat.

In this third photo he is wearing a type of bowler hat and posing with three three children I can only assume are his own children.  Note the picture on the bottom left he has no mustache, the one on the right he does.

And then finally I have a couple of pictures of him as a younger man, first posing in a nice suit as usual and wearing a white bowler.  In the last photo he is even younger, is once again wearing a suit and for the first time is not wearing a hat.  He is posing with another young man - perhaps a friend or a classmate.

I'm quite fascinated with Mr. Debonair, unfortunately I'm afraid the mystery of his identity will never be solved.


  1. I'm wondering too about Mr D that he would have such a collection of fine hats over the years. He's definitely a man of means. I tried to find some resemblance between the other men in photos 1 and 3. I also wondered if the double-breasted coat was a hand-me-down from big brother but they appear to button in opposite directions. Fascinating collection!

  2. He is indeed a sharp dressed man! Love the hats. Great pics!

  3. Both Debonair And In Possession of A White Bowler Hat! A Deadly Combination!
