Monday, June 25, 2012

Mystery Monday - Civil War Era Trenton, NJ Man 1864-66

Some time ago I purchased an old album of photographs I bought of an  Trenton, NJ family - most were taken in the 1850 - 1900 time frame.  There are about eighty photographs in this album and unfortunately not one single person is identified.  I hope to eventually post most of the photos from this album as many are from this era.  This particular CDV photo of a very distinguished and attractive man was taken by Trenton photographers Good & Stokes between 1864 and 1866.  Good is most likely Jonathan Good who very little is known about, and Stokes most likely Stockton Stokes who had studios in Trenton throughout the 1860's before moving to Philadelphia.  We do know that Good & Stokes had a studio at 27 East State Street at least between 1864 and 1866 as evidenced by the revenue stamp on the back of the photograph.  The stamp is also initialed by Stokes.


  1. What is that around his neck? I've never noticed anything like it in other old photos.

    1. I wondered myself, it is a strange sort of necktie, it almost looks like some sort of medal on the tip.

  2. I love these old photos, too. I purchased many of them when I was doing lots of paper art and collage, too scan and then use the images in my work. Now that I've joined the ranks of genealogical bloggers, I really should share my collection as well, to see if any decendants can be found.

  3. Hi Teresa,

    I found this page via google when I typed in "S. Stokes No. 27 East State Street, Trenton, NJ., Photography" My ancestor, Rebecca Conrow was also photographed at this studio & the quoted bit above is what is printed on the back of her photo. Her mother was Hannah Stokes & Hannah had a brother named Samuel & he, in turn had two kids; Edward Harris Stokes (b. 1824) & Samuel (1822) Edward was a well known photographer in Trenton & I assume his brother worked for him, hence the :S". Edward also made a ton of money in real estate & may have given up the studio at some point to his brother. I'm pretty sure Edward may have been the father or grandfather of a later governor of New Jersey.

    Anyway, I'm still trying to research this family...I know a lot about my specific line but not so much about this one!

    Rebecca, my ancestor must have traveled home from Alabama where she had moved in 1837 or so and ended up in her cousin's studio having her picture made.

    1. Stockton Stokes was the nephew of Edward Harris Stokes. The father of NJ Governor Stokes was another E.H. Stokes who lived in southern New Jersey. He was not a direct descendant of Edward Harris Stokes but perhaps was related.

    2. Stockton Stokes was the nephew of Edward Harris Stokes. The father of NJ Governor Stokes was another E.H. Stokes who lived in southern New Jersey.

  4. Me, again.

    Solved it; Stockton Stokes was the son of Samuel Stokes brother of Edward Harris Stokes.

  5. Jumped the gun...although Stockton was living with Samuel in 1870 it appears he was actually the son of Edward & Samuel's older brother, Lewis.

    1. I vaguely remember reading several articles about the Stokes family when I was researching this photo - seems there was quite a bit of information on Google about them. I have a lot of interest in New Jersey, particularly Trenton as my husband's family was from there. I hope you find the info you are looking for on your family.

    2. I forgot to mention I have more photos taken my Good and Good & Stokes in the album I mentioned in the post above.
