Sunday, December 7, 2014

Sepia Saturday #257 - Children Sitting on Steps - Century Old Photo Op

It's Sunday, but here is my Sepia Saturday entry for the theme based on the father, son and dog on the front porch steps.  I'm late getting this in, but this week at work some kind person shared their germs and I've been down and out with a terrible cold.  I just crawled out of my bed to publish this post so I'll keep it short and sweet.

This first photograph is a copy of the original and was poorly developed so I tried to darken it up a little to make it easier to view.  It shows three little boys and one girl sitting on the front porch steps of a Victorian style house.  None of these children are identified.  I am estimating this was taken in the 1890's.  I wish I could narrow down the time frame, but I am not good at dating children's clothing.

This second photograph again shows four unidentified children, and I am guessing two girls and two boys sitting on the front porch steps.  They are all dressed in white, but the two on the right have on black shoes and the two on the left have on white.  Note, the little girl second from the left is holding her dolly.  I believe this to have been taken between 1910- 1920.

Well, that's all for me.  To see more fabulous photographs step on over to Sepia Saturday!


  1. Well I’m sorry you’re sick but I’m glad you were well enough to post these delightful photographs!

  2. Isn't it ducky when folks think they just must come to work with contagious germs! So sorry you're feeling bad. Hope you're up & about again soon! Meanwhile, your post, with such cute pictures, is great. Thanks for sharing - especially under less than perfect circumstances!

  3. Some threadbare knees in that first picture, but I love those clothes, especially the little girl's dress.

  4. Hope you feel better soon! That's quite a hat the girl in the first picture is wearing - just a big disc. The china doll reminds me of some my great aunt had.

  5. In the first photo it looks like the girl is wearing a kind of graduation style flat board cap or maybe the boy behind her held something over her head...the little guy beside her looks like he has a rebel cap on from the time of our Civil war? Who knows, these are priceless photos. Wishing you healing from the germs, drink lots of hot tea with lemon and honey and a splash of bourbon if the cold gets to you...

  6. The shutters are closed in the first photo -- and I love the screen door (scrollwork). Why black/white shoes? Is it boy/girl? Interesting. Great photos -- and I'm with Kathy on the funny hat in the first shot.

  7. These are two beautiful quartets with a wonderful mixture of expressions! The girls flat hat reminds me of a variation of the classic scholars cap.

  8. That is an odd hat. It reminded me of the one that the boy used to wear in the ad that went "I''m Buster Brown, I live in a shoe! That's my dog Tide, he lives there too!"

  9. Just beautiful photos. Lucky you.
