Sunday, July 14, 2013

Sentimental Sunday - Women with Hats - 1890's Nashville, TN Woman

Sorry I haven't posted much lately, much going on personally, but wanted to share this photo of a young woman from late 1890's Nashville, TN.  The quality of the photograph is not great, in fact it is a little blurry.  I like it for a several reasons; some of my ancestors came from that area, she is sporting a great hat and if you look closely you can see she is wearing eyeglasses.  I'm not sure what you call that thing around her neck, maybe a boa or just the collar of her coat, but it is wonderful as well.  I tried really hard to make out the photographer's name which is embossed right above the location at the lower right hand corner with no luck.


  1. I like how she's got two contrasting bows on her hat; more is better, I guess :)

  2. Bows and feathers and glasses and curls -- that makes for one busy photo.

  3. The hat and the boa or collar or whatever it just wonderful! She shows her own style and personality! :)

  4. I'm guessing she had an interesting closet.

  5. I love the way it looks :]

  6. love the way I looks and how it looks on her. Just fabulous! ;)

  7. Hoping that everything is OK. I have been missing your blogs over past months.

    1. Sharon, thanks so much for checking on me! I miss my blog and intend to get back to it. I have had several things going on in my life for awhile; my husband hurt his back in April and was in a wheelchair for some time and then had surgery in August. He is still unable to drive but hopefully soon he can get back to work. I have spent all of my time taking care of him and just kind of lost interest with all that was going on. I also lost my job at the end of May & have spent a good deal of time towards finding another one. I do think about my blog often and hope to get back to it soon. Thanks again for thinking of me!
