Friday, May 24, 2013

Fashionable Friday - Early 1860' s (Victorian Era) New York City Woman (Pregnant?)

This lovely New York City woman was photographed by famed photographer Bogardus about 1863 - 64.  She is wearing what appears to be a light, cotton print dress with short sleeves so my guess would be that this photograph (CDV) was most likely taken in warmer months.  She is also wearing a dark colored, light and lacy shawl-type covering.  Something about this photo strongly suggests to me that she is pregnant.

Bogardus was Abraham Bogardus (1822 - 1908) was an American Daguerreotypist and photographer who is reported to have made some 200,000 daguerreotypes during his career.  He was born in Dutchess County, NY and went to New York City in 1837.  In 1846 he learned the art of Daguerreotypy from G.W. Prosch and after only two weeks instruction opened his own studio at 363 Broadway becoming very successful at his craft. He was so successful he opened several locations.  With the popularity of the Carte-de-Visite he was said to have produced up to 100 dozens of CDV's per day.

In 1869 Bogardus was elected the first president of the national Photographic Association, a postiion he held for seven years.  His contemporaries were Jeremiah Gurney, Matthew Brady, Lawrence, Insley, Hass, Harrison and Hill, the brothers Meade, Lewis, and Bogert.  After a long and successful career he retired in 1884.

I previously posted another of his photographs and you can see it here:


  1. Lovely photo! Yes she could be pregnant..that lacy shawl was probably supposed to help disguise the growing belly:)

  2. Yes, I see what you mean. The dress seems unusually poofy at the bustline. That aside, everything about her garment is interesting: the gauzy shawl, the dark edge on the ruffle, even the depth of the ruffle.

  3. "Forgotten Faces and Long Ago Places" has been included in the Sites To See for this week. Be assured that I hope this helps to point many new visitors in your direction.
