Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Wedding Wednesday -Elegant 1910's St. Louis Couple

This elegant young couple was photographed in St. Louis. MO by photographer Schneidt most likely after 1910.  The bride was truly beautiful in her white, high necked wedding gown.  I love the small tiers on the skirt of her gown and the lacy layers at the bottom of the train.  Her headdress is not overbearing, it has a light frothy feel on top of her Gibson Girl hairstyle.  She is holding a small bouquet of flowers and has a gloved hand on her new husband's arm.  The groom is dressed in a simple black suit with a high collared shirt and matching bow tie.  He is holding a pair of white gloves in his left hand and you can see his wedding band.

The photographer was George Gustav Schneidt, born 14 Nov 1887 in Missouri.  I found Schneidt in the 1908 St. Louis City Directory living at 3301 S. Jefferson Avenue and working as a clerk.   Note the address on the photo says "3300 S. Jefferson Avenue."  In the 1910 census he was living in a boarding house and listed his occupation as "salesman."  He was found once again in the City Directories of 1914, 1916 and 1917 working as a photographer at  3114A S. Grand Ave. He was living was again at the S. Jefferson Ave. address in the 1920 census with his mother Barbara, a widow, and sister Norma.  Evidently this was probably the family home.  In the 1930 census at age 41 he was living there with his wife of eleven years, Frieda, no children and no mother or sister listed.  I found a death record for Schneidt in Missouri for Feb of 1965.

This photograph was likely taken either between 1910 and 1914 before his move to Grande Ave or between 1917 and 1920 when he returned to Jefferson Avenue.  I tend to lean towards the earlier time frame.  


  1. Teresa, your description is just as lovely as the photograph itself! Although the bride did catch my eye. Too bad there's no identifying label to help trace this couple back to any descendants. If this were a photo of someone in my family, how I'd love to have it!

  2. Yes I agree 1910 to 1914 the gown looks a little pigeon breasted..tis a lovely photo! :)
