Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Wedding Wednesday - Ethereal 1920's Chicago Bride

Today's lovely 1920's bride is posing with what I assume is her maid of honor.  This Art Deco photograph is in very poor shape with a number of scratches and flaws (see bottom photo below). The woman on the left has a black mark on her nose, but from their facial features and the shape of their mouths I suspect they were sisters.  This young bride was truly an ethereal and exquisite vision.  She appears so serene and is wearing a lovely white gown with the most beautiful headdress.  She is holding a large bouquet of white roses. One thing I always find interesting and have seen before;  she is wearing white heeled shoes, her maid of honor is wearing very serviceable black shoes.

Unknown 1920's bride and maid of honor (sisters?)

The photographer was the Liberty Studio at, 223 Milwaukee  Ave., Chicago.  I did not find any information on this studio, but perhaps another of the many ethnic photography studios along the Milwaukee Avenue corridor which included a large Polish population.


  1. This is a great picture. Her expression is wonderful.

  2. She really is a beautiful bride, and the headdress is very elaborate. last year I did a post about shoes which featured my grandmother's white wedding shoes. You may be amused to see what I did with them here.
