Sunday, March 24, 2013

Sentimental Sunday - Women with Hats - Lovely 1900's Woman with Hat & Fur Muff

An unknown turn-of-the-century woman, she is wearing a coat, probably made of wool, leather gloves  and a fur boa with matching fur hand muff.  And what can I say about her fabulous hat except that it is just that, fabulous!


  1. The hat may be fabulous, but the fur and muff are FANTABULOUS. I like that the outfit is a light color rather than the usual dark dark and more dark that we see so often.

  2. I used to think it was punitive to expect a young girl to be able to walk while balancing a book on her head. Since seeing the outlandish get-ups women called hats during the early 1900s, I've been convinced to retract that statement!

  3. Her coat is almost seems dress like especially in the shoulder details:)
