Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Wedding Wednesday - Bored 1880's Couple from Ossian, Iowa

This week I am featuring a third photograph of a married couple from Ossian, IA taken by photographer G. G. Oyloe (Gregory) who I have mentioned twice before. This unidentified couple who appear somewhat bored, although  this is probably just the way the photographer posed them, were seated next to a small table covered by a tapestry and both are leaning their elbows on a book, most likely a bible.  

This cabinet card has seen rough use over the years, is faded and the photo appears to have been over-exposed as evidenced in the whiteness of the rug and background.   I still find it to be of interest and I especially like the bride's dress.  Her dress was very serviceable as were many a bride's dress in the 1800's, but hers has a few embellishments that made it special.  It was most likely brown in color and has lovely white daisy-like trim around the sleeves at the wrists and  near the hem of the skirt.  The trim also is seen around the deep V-shaped insert on the bodice.   The trim at the top of her neck is also very pretty as evidenced by the picture below.  The long headdress was typical of many others I have seen and with the small corsage did not overpower the dress.   

The groom was wearing a matching corsage (boutonniere) and his suit was typical of the period of 1885 - 1890.  The slight puffiness of the shoulders of the bride's dress also look as though they could be dated closer to 1889 - 1890.  Both the bride and groom appear to be wearing rings; the bride on the customary ring finger, the groom on his pinkie finger (see left).  


  1. Old wedding photos are my favorite! I just love her dress. :)

  2. Interesting. A picture can say so much. I found a real treasure and wrote "An Early Christmas Gift" to share it with Geneabloggers.



  3. Teresa, you just received the Liebster Blog Award. You can learn more about it at Congratulations!

  4. The bride looks like she's in the process of standing. Making a run for it? I like the cuffs on her dress.
