Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Tintype Tuesday - Handsome Young 1870's Man

Unidentified 1870's Man
Today's tintype is an example of a tintype packaged in a sleeve simulating a picture frame. The subject is a very handsome, unidentified  young man with blonde hair.  He appears to be well-dressed and  in the photo his cheeks are slightly tinted pink.  I daresay he was quite popular with the ladies and the lucky recipients of this photograph were very happy to have it.  I estimate this photo to have been taken in the early 1870's, perhaps 1872 give or take a year.


  1. I'm so glad you posted this tintype in a sleeve that looks like a frame. I have several that look similar to this one and I have wondered how to date them in order to narrow down which ancestor they might be.

    1. You can actually narrow down the date more by the type of sleeve used.

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