Friday, December 7, 2012

Fashionable Friday -"Easy on the Eyes" 1890's Richmond, IN Gent

My Fashionable Friday posts tend to feature women in lovely, voluminous dresses with intricate designs and eye-catching accessories. Today I decided to change it up a little bit by throwing in this extremely good-looking young gentleman from Richmond, IN.  I purchased this cabinet card with the same group of photos I discussed in a recent post so perhaps he is related, but unfortunately he is unidentified.  He appears to be somewhat prosperous and is wearing from what we can see a fashionable suit with overcoat. Although a bit faded and having a few spots, this picture is still amazing as you can even see the white-on-white design on his tie.  I estimate this photograph to have been taken between 1890 - 1894.

The photographer was W. Blanch Ward of the Chicago Art Gallery at 704 Main Street in Richmond.  I could not find any information on the photographer, he or she was listed in the Richmond City Directory in 1886 and 1888 at 704 Main Street.  The back of the photo is bare, but the photographer's mark at the bottom is quite unusual.

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