Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Tintype Tuesday - Young 1870's Woman in Striped Dress

The problem with tintypes is that out of all the vintage photographs they are the least likely to be dated and identified.  These two tintypes of a lovely young woman in a striped dress show her posed both sitting and standing.  I've gone back and forth in my head trying to reach a date and I just keep thinking they look like 1870's photos. Her bustled dress is trimmed with ball fringe, kind of like what my mother used to have on her curtains.  Her hairstyle and the neckline and bow of the dress also suggest to me the 1870 date.  I welcome any comments or suggestions to further help date this photo.

1 comment:

  1. Could be 1865 to 1870's. The tassles are usually from the 1870's. That is some wild dress..it is a great old tintype:)
