Friday, September 21, 2012

Fashionable Friday - 1908 Edwardian Woman

I have been missing for a couple of weeks, took a week's vacation to visit my parents in Illinois and had a grand plan to post while I was there.  You know what they say about best laid plans.....unfortunately the Internet did not cooperate and I just finally gave up in frustration.  Next year I'm investing in an air card.

Today I am showing you an interesting photograph taken in 1908 of a unidentified, but fashionable young woman.  I have not seen another photograph of this exact style before but if you look very closely you can see a smaller picture of the subject in the lower left hand corner and she is wearing a hat!  Too bad they didn't use that as the main photo.  She is sporting a Gibson Girl hairstyle and her dress is most unusual.  I am not certain whether it is made out of cotton or perhaps linen, but it has a high neck and has triangular shaped designs down the bodice as well as over the shoulders on whatever those "things" are called.  The sleeves are especially fascinating to me with the tiered levels.  This dress appears to have the typical "S" curve and small trim waist and I think you will agree with me that she is a vision of loveliness.

The photograph measures 2 7/8 x 5 7/8 inches and is undoubtedly one of the unusual shapes to come out of the early 1900's.  Unfortunately the photographer is not identified.


  1. Those "things" = epaulettes? She is lovely as is her dress. The 2 views on one card reminds me of school photos with the 4x6 or 5x7 wrapped with the wallet size pictures all on one sheet. Was this a new technique to accommodate an indecisive customer?

    1. You could be right Wendy, I could not think of the word. Although now that I have done a search I believe this might not be the correct word. Epaulettes are military insignia that run across the top of the shoulder from neck to edge of shoulder. These are more sash-like. I truly wish I had more fashion experience and knew the lingo!
