Tuesday, August 28, 2012

TinType Tuesday - Proud Papa & Grumpy Children at the Seashore

This week's Tin Type Tuesday photo shows a beaming father and what may be his five children most likely posing for a boardwalk photographer.  What is interesting is that the man is wearing a suit and the kids are all wearing bathing costumes.  And these children, particularly the boys, do not look happy! I'm guessing they were in a hurry to get to the seashore and Dad wanted to have a photo taken first.  

But wait, here's another tintype of the same gentleman wearing his own bathing costume posing with three children.  I believe the boy is the same boy from the first tintype (right side both photos) but these girls do not seem to be the same as the first picture.  The boy is wearing a different shirt so I believe these were taken on different days.  So are all of these his children, are any of them his children?  Guess we'll never know.

I would date both of these tintypes in the 1890s or early 1900's.  Tintypes first became popular in the Civil War because it was easy for soldiers to send them home to their families in the mail, plus up to twelve duplicate images could be produced on a single exposure with a multiple lens camera.  They were popular until around the late 1880's. They experienced a revival in popularity in the late 1890's at carnivals and boardwalks as a quick and cheap way to have a photograph taken.  This trend lasted until about 1930.

Source:  http://www.forensicgenealogy.info/History_of_Photography.html

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