Sunday, July 8, 2012

Sentimental Sunday - Women with Hats - Two Stylish Canadian Women

Today's Women With Hats gives us two for the money with  two quite stylish Canadian ladies and their gentleman friend (or relative) identified on the back as "Hansens neighbors in Canada."  The ladies and gentleman appear to be posing outside against foliage and next to water. This real photo postcard was published by the Council Crest Co. of Portland, Oregan between 1904 and 1920.  We know this because the CYKO Company, the paper manufacturer, used that particular stamp box during those years. Due to the type of hats and very stylish walking suits I am guessing this was taken sometime between 1905 and the very early 1910's.  I welcome any input to the contrary.  Thanks for looking.


  1. No input from me - just a remark that I do love the cut of those women's coats and the covered buttons.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Your remark/input is most welcome! I, too, love the cut of their coats and the buttons are wonderful!
