Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Tintype Tuesday - Man in Top Hat

These are two of five tintypes I obtained somewhere of the same very attractive gentleman.  As is common with many tintypes, the subjects and photographer are both unidentified.   In these two particular photos the gentleman in question is posing wearing a top hat, first alone and then with a young boy at his side.  In the first photo he is wearing a long dark overcoat, sitting on a studio prop "tree stump" and holding in his hand an unknown object;  in the second photo he is wearing a white or beige overcoat, sitting with the boy standing next to him.  Tintype dating is always a challenge for me, but I feel that from the props in the first photo that it was most likely dated in the 1880's.  Perhaps in the near future I will post the other tintypes I have of this subject in which he is posing alone and with other gentlemen.


  1. Since you mentioned the unidentified object in his hand, that's all I can think about. I hope someone comes along with an explanation. I'll guess it's a leather envelope/pouch/folder-type of thing holding important papers. I wonder if it's a clue to his occupation. Lawyer?

    1. Thanks, Wendy, that's exactly what it looks like, a leather pouch. And he is well-dressed in all the photos I have of him so lawyer could be a likely occupation. I think I will post the photos next week.

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