Saturday, June 16, 2012

Sepia Saturday #130 - Hello/Goodbye WWII Soldier?

This week's Sepia Saturday theme centers around men in uniform, people saying hello and goodbye, etc.  This photograph I picked up somewhere of an unidentified man in uniform and nicely dressed woman looks to me as if they are either saying hello or goodbye.  I am not even sure how to date this, I am just assuming this is WWII time frame perhaps it is even a little later like Korea?  Perhaps someone else can help me with identifying the man's uniform and the car in the background.

Additionally, I just realized the woman's hat is quite interesting; I could have saved this for my Women with Hats post on Sunday!

Please check out all the other great posts this week at Sepia Saturday!


  1. Well I’m not the person to help you with uniforms but I can say that I think they look a very smartly dressed couple, and you’re right about the lady’s hat being an interesting style.

  2. Great picture! I wonder if the lady is also serving in some branch of the service ... or maybe she just borrowed the hat?

    Kathy M.

  3. I just wonder whether they have just been married and they are dressed to go away for their honeymoon.

  4. I'm not sure but I think her shoes are definitely 40s, not 50s. So I think you're right. It's ww2.
    Not sure about the car. But they seem to be a happy couple. Let's hope he didn't have to go off to war.

  5. I have a photo of my uncle in uniform and posed by a car by himself. I think he was on leave at the time. He was in the army during both WWII and the Korean war.

  6. I think the photo is worth a repeat for your Sunday theme. You'll have something different to say anyway making the photo feel different. So go ahead.

  7. I'd guess this is a WW2 era photo. They are a smartly dressed couple. It would be interesting to know their story and what became of them.

  8. The soldier's belt is key as that was dropped in the uniform changes of 1954-6. You might also get his branch of the army and rank from the collar and shoulder insignia. The divided front windshield and hubcap logo should get you the car's model and maybe year.

  9. Looking at the woman's shoes and suit I'd say mid-40s because I have photos of my mother dressed like this.
