Saturday, April 7, 2012

Sepia Saturday #120 Library - NJ State Normal School Trenton

I've been on a hiatus from all my blogs the last couple of weeks, well from the computer actually due to severe back pain.  After working on the computer all day at my office the last thing I want to do when I come home is sit down in another desk chair and type!  I've missed the last couple of Sepia Saturdays and when I checked today and saw that this week's topic was "Library" I knew I had just the thing!  I have this great postcard I bought to post on my other blog, RogersFamilyHistory which I write about my husband's family.  His grandfather Alvin S. Rogers and great-grandfather Elmer H. Rogers were both well known doctors in Trenton, NJ in the early 1900's.  Somewhere in all my piles and piles of "stuff" I know I have documentation that Alvin attended the NJ State Normal School in Trenton, at least for a time. However, I cannot find this document and so have not posted this postcard on that blog. Therefore it will be perfect for today's post on  Sepia Saturday!

The postcard was posted in 1908 from someone named Minnie, evidently a student and it was sent to Miss Florence Melville in Newark, NJ.  Minnie had this to say:

"Every thing is very much different up here, but I am having a good time, although we have to study.  I suppose you are having a dandy time now.  Love from Minnie - Normal Hall Trenton, NJ"

Celebrate National Library Week by checking out these other bookish posts at Sepia Saturday!


  1. All I could think of when I looked at that library was your poor back and those very uncomfortable looking chairs. Aren't you glad you're not sitting in one of those right now?

  2. I wondered about you! I hope you are doing better. "Normal School" -- isn't that a funny term? My great-aunts attended Harrisonburg Normal School in Virginia back in the 20s.

  3. Like this old style postcard - great shot of a library. If you look closely, there are several statues and pictures posted around the room. Sorry to hear you've had back problems. If you're having trouble sitting at a desk, I highly recommend a laptop computer. I'm sitting in my lazyboy recliner with my laptop right now. It's great to surf the web, work on my blog and post comments on my laptop, all in the comfort of my chair. :)

  4. It may be an old library but look at the amount of light there is inside. Much better than many modern one lit by fluorescent lights.

  5. Sorry to hear of your back problems, but glad that the theme inspires something for National Library Week. Nothing on the internet can really compare to the wonder of a good library room like the Normal School's.
