Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Wordless Wednesday - Old Woman from the 1860's

1860's Unidentified Woman, Unknown Photographer & Location


  1. You have a great website - I love the old photos. Can you tell me what type of watermark you are using? I'm looking for one to use for my personal photos on my webpage.

    1. Thanks - Funny you should mention the watermark. I am constantly trying to figure out a better way to do one. I currently use a combination of Word, my photo editing program (Microsoft Office Picture Manager) and SnagIt which I purchased for about $50. I capture the picture with SnagIt from my photo program, cut and paste the watermark from Word and then save the photo. It works for me. I am also experimenting with Picasa but it doesn't give me the option for the fonts I want. I would like one that allows some opacity like Photoshop, but don't want to learn to use Photoshop. Let me know what you decide to use, I would be interested to know. Teresa

  2. Interesting clothes. But I have to wonder what that lump is under her right arm. It doesn't appear to be the arm of a chair. I can't imagine why she'd have her knee up that high.

    1. That is funny looking isn't it? Wonder what she's got hidden under there?

  3. Thanks for answering my question about your photo watermarks. I've searched the web looking for a free program that's easy to use. Have you heard of Picnik? It's an online photo software program. Picnik's entire website is free until April 19th when the company merges with Google.

    The website is very user friendly and I'm pleased with how the watermark turned out on my pictures. Just add your photo, go to the font tab and you can add the watermark, then resave it to your computer.
