Sunday, February 12, 2012

Sentimental Sunday - Women with Hats - 1880's Melbourne Australian Woman

This cabinet card photo of an unknown woman with a rather unusual hat and beautiful lacy neck adornment appears to have been taken in Melbourne, Austrialia. The card seems to have been trimmed off at the bottom, but you can still make out the photographer's name, "Yeoman & Co.," 139 Clarendon Street.   A Google search did not yield much but it appears the photographer John Yeoman was active in Melbourne between 1882 - 1889.  She has a rather prim expression on her face, wonder what she was thinking?


  1. Thanks for posting this photo, John Yeoman of Yeoman & Co was my great, great grandfather. Many of his portraits can be found in the Melbourne Museum and the Victorian State Library.
    Melbourne, Australia

    1. Thanks for stopping by Michele! How wonderful to have this legacy from your great, great grandfather!
