Friday, June 28, 2013

Fashionable Friday - Lovely Young 1880's (Victorian Era) Michigan Woman in White

This beautiful young woman posed for E. Gillis about 1888 - 1891 in Lawton, Mich.  She is dressed in a white dress, most likely off-white or cream and I believe the dress may have a bustle so the 1880's date would work.  Her dress is high necked with tight fitted bodice and has matching ribbons down the front of the skirt.  The sleeves are of great interest to me as I don't believe I have ever seen anything quite like them - notice the odd loops near her wrist which appear to be holding flowers and then the sleeves extend down to the hands into mitts.  She is holding what appears to be a white puffy fan or perhaps a purse?

This cabinet card has a thick gilt border  with a beautiful scallop design on the edges.  I was unable to find any information on the photographer, E. Gillis.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Sepia Saturday # 180 - World War I Era Nurses

My posts have been rather sporadic lately mainly due to the health of my husband who has needed all my extra attention because of severe back pain.  He has been unable to work for over six weeks and has been advised he needs back surgery.  Unfortunately for him, nursing is not one of my better qualities, but I have tried to do my best to attend to him. To top it off this past week my company instituted corporate cuts and I find myself unemployed and could use a little TLC.  When I saw the prompt for this week's Sepia Saturday the nurse in the photograph reminded me of a photograph that I have that fits the bill so I drug it out of my collection today for your review.  

This photo shows what I believe to be six World War I era nurses.  They are identified on the back as: (1) Mrs. Hugh Gilbert, (2) Mrs. I. Haines Dickinson, (3) Mrs. Geo. W. Heusel Jr. (4) unknown, (5) Miss Helen Heusel and (6) Mrs. A. S. Harkness.  The last woman I believe is possibly related to a woman I mentioned in an earlier post, Mary Fairlamb Harkness of Pennsylvania.  The location is unknown, but my guess that these nurses served stateside.

Click here to visit Sepia Saturday for more great photos!