Monday, December 26, 2011

Mystery Monday - Marshalltown, Iowa Mystery Girl


This beautiful little girl, name unknown, had her picture taken by M. C. Beverage of Marshalltown, Iowa sometime between 1876 and 1912.  She has beautiful curls and and a bow around her neck.

I found this information about M. C. Beverage in an article written by Mark Dionne which helped to date the picture:

"From his obituary in the Times Republican, Marshalltown, Iowa, Jan 6, 1931 and, Marshall County Iowa History, 1878, p. 548: Maurice C. Beveridge (or Beverage) was born at Trading Post, Maine, June 8, 1841. He went to Canada in infancy and stayed till age 15 when he went to Michigan and Oconto, Wisconsin, where he learned his business. He married Hattie Crumb from Oconto, Wisconsin, 1871. He came to Marshalltown in Jan, 1876, when he engaged in the photography business. [This is useful information for those who are trying to date his photographs.] He had 4 children and died Jan 6, 1931. He left a brother Fred Beveridge of California and three grandchildren.  He ran the Beverage Cottage Gallery, a photography studio, from about 1876 to 1912."

For more information, see Mark Dionne's website at: or email him at  Copyright © 2006 Mark Dionne. All Rights Reserved. This work is based on original research by Mark Dionne. Permission to copy or reprint this work is granted, provided: (1) the copy or reprint is used for non-commercial, educational purposes; (2) the work is copied in its entirety or a single paragraph is used as a quotation, and; (3) the author's name (Mark Dionne), email address, the URL mentioned in the following paragraph, and this notice are all included.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Mystery Monday - Who am I? Little Girl and Her Doll

Another orphan photograph of an adorable little girl holding her doll.  Look at her wonderful bonnet and sweet pigtails. She is also wearing mitts (fingerless gloves).  The photographer is Dresser of Winfield, Kansas. I found this information regarding the photographer - George H. Dresser is listed in the 1880 Independence, Kansas census. Sometime before 1890 he moved to Winfield, Kansas and continued his photographic career there, where he is listed  in the 1910 census.  He was born in October, 1854, of German parentage.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Sentimental Sunday - Women with Hats!

Here is a turn of the century woman with what I think is a Gibson Girl look, but boy what a hat!  The hat appears to be made of feathers and velvet and she is wearing some time of jewelry or brooch at her throat.  There is no identification on this photo, but she is quite a lovely woman.